Legs Bums & Tums – What’s it all about
Legs, Bums & Tums is a new take on the very popular Total Toning class that I have been running now for about 8 years… Why is it still going strong? IT DOES WHAT IT SAYS ON THE TIN.
Activity to work the heart
In the class, after a fun warm up with some simple choreography, the exercises become more intense as we move into some low impact aerobic exercise (higher and harder for those who want this option)
Exercises for lean legs
The legwork continues as we add some lower body exercises such as squats or lunges (with options of jumps and plyometrics for those going for a big burn)
Moves to tone the upper body
Using various exercises sometimes with a bench, bands or just your own body weight we work the arms, shoulders, chest and upper back.
Work for the core and those ‘all important’ abdominals
Performing a variety of ab exercises applying simple fitness principles, core stability work for the trunk, back and pelvis which incorporates pilates derived exercises.
Relax at the end
Stretching those hard worked muscles out, release tension and walk away feeling fitter and firmer…
DONE! Totally Toned